I just read a report in the Guardian stating that 2010 saw the biggest rise in global carbon emissions ever. This is scary stuff. Humans are having a horrific impact on the planet, and now that the recession is considered to be over, we’re polluting more than we ever have before. Now is the time […]
sustainable building in South Korea
In an attempt to lower carbon emissions, South Korea has completed construction on an $8 million dollar eco-friendly building. According to news sources, (they all say the exact same thing) South Korea calls it the ultimate eco-friendly business centre, emitting zero carbon and using only renewable resources. They say the building uses 66 kinds of […]
starting a patio veggie garden
A few weekends ago Tyson and I went to the local nursery and spent a couple of hours admiring their latest selection of vegetables. Our original plan to venture on a fact-finding mission quickly turned into locating a shopping cart and loading it with the nicest specimens of soon-to-be food-bearing plants we could find. Hey, […]
a personal challenge
This summer I’m giving myself a challenge. I’m not going to buy anything new. Except for food and personal necessities, of course. A couple of months ago my trusty little toaster oven let off a puff of black smoke and died. It was half way through cooking a chicken burger. I loved my toaster oven […]
about me – my first post!
My name is Caroline Mitic, and I am interested in the environment. I am not David Suzuki, Al Gore or Fabien Cousteau, I am a commoner like you who believes that change starts in your heart and your own personal habits. I have no education in environmental studies or even biology, but I want to […]